
Just Do It!

I have been wanting to do free informational videos as part of my coaching business for a while but I kept putting it off for one reason or another...then one day recently I just got a bug up my butt to record one and post it. Well, I went crazy that day taking inspired action - I set up my channel on , uploaded my video, posted the link on my Facebook business page and sent the link to my list in a special email announcing my new feature, "Feel Good Friday!". I was very happy with it and although I knew there was a lot of room for improvement, I felt a sense of accomplishment for just getting it done. I don't know why I hesitated for so long...well, actually, yes I do - it's a little intimidating to put yourself out there in a way where you are sharing your knowledge, beliefs, advice, expertise and intuition - basically baring your soul for all to see. There are so many haters out there who will cut you down mercilessly (and anonymously) on the Inte

Reconnecting and Adjusting Your Speed

I was inspired by my experience of being glued to the computer for hours while I followed a whim to create my new Facebook Business page . I had been meaning to do this for a while, both to simplify my life and my involvement online. And suddenly I just had the desire to do it and get it done. Normally I do not love doing things involving technology – it tends to make me feel very tense and stressed, but when I feel inspired to do something, I run with it. When I was done and new posts directing to the new page were posted, invites to the new page sent out, I realized that I hadn’t had a decent meal all day and I really had to pee. I was also feeling the need for my outdoor alignment time – this is a ritual I have been adamant about keeping up with every day, weather permitting. I have taken some time to really slow down (partly because I was sick for a few weeks) and reconnect with my soul. I have found that the best way to do this is to get outside – I walk barefoot in the

Sticks and Stones...Leave Marks

I had lunch with a dear friend from high school yesterday and we were reminiscing about old times and people we used to hang out with. Although it was a fun and crazy time, it was also one of the worst times in my life as far as my self-esteem. I surrounded myself with a lot of people who did not treat me well. Over the years I learned to take responsibility for everything I attracted and created throughout my life, from a chronic illness to my job situations to the people I spent my time with. I also learned a lot about forgiveness…what an interesting subject. I’ve learned, as I’m sure many of you have, that forgiveness is not condoning another’s behavior, nor is it releasing them from responsibility for their actions. It is for you to have the peace of mind you deserve. It is to allow yourself to let go of any grudges, resentments or negative feelings that are not doing the other person any harm, but are festering within you. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “Resentment i

What is an Infinite Woman?

That’s what I asked myself back in December when I was relaxing in the steam room at Burke Williams and as I mindlessly pondered the image of an infinity symbol, these words came into my mind, loud and clear: “INFINITE WOMAN”. That sounded fascinating to me and I thought, “Ooooooh, what’s that?” Then I heard, “MEDITATIVE MOVEMENT” and again I thought, “Wow – what’s that?” And then came, “YOU HAVE TO CREATE IT”. So I thought, “Yes, I will!” I have great respect for inspired ideas, especially when they are so clearly given.  I knew that I had just been given a gift…but also a puzzle. I had to figure out what this is and how it wants to be expressed in the world. After sharing this bit of inspiration with a few close friends, they were fascinated and interested in the concept and urged me to get on this and make it happen quickly since it was something unusual that was not out there anywhere that we knew of. I added the tagline, “the possibilities are endless…” becau

How's It Going So Far?

We’re into the second month of the New Year – all of the festivities of the holiday and the anticipatory excitement of the beginning of a new year are behind us…how are you feeling? If you’re still charged up and feeling great about the infinite possibilities for this year and forging ahead with confidence, that’s great! However, often we feel a bit “blah” at this point. Maybe you’re not as excited about your resolutions as you were on January 1 st and have let them slide a bit. Maybe you got caught up in your everyday routine and went back to feeling a little numb and not expecting anything to change. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed with the goals you set for this year and have gone into inertia. It's all OK. For those of you who are feeling stuck and frustrated, here is what I want you to do: Nothing. Let go. Relax about it all. Be easy on yourself. Be kind to yourself. The more you stress, worry, doubt or are fearful and anxious about what you feel you “sho

Post-Holiday Blahs....

Welcome to 2012! Now that the holidays are over, you may be feeling a bit let down and anti-climactic. As promised, I have a New Year's gift to help with that -   "Overcoming the Post-Holiday Blues".   You can access it here - One of my intentions for the new year is to spend less time working on the computer when I could be spending more quality time with my mom, so this will be another short, but sweet message. Enjoy and Happy New Year! Much love, Tanna Living Peacefully ™ is written by Tanna Marshall, Author, Holistic Consultant, Energy Healer and Personal Coach. If you have any questions or would like more information about Living Peacefully, please contact: To purchase your copy of Living Peacefully in a Big City, please visit If you’d like to share this article with people you feel may enjoy it, you are welcome to do s

Holiday Joy or Holiday Stress?

Are you feeling excited about the holidays finally arriving and looking forward to all the fun traditions you always enjoy? Or are you starting to feel the pressure of your holiday “To-Do” list? Do you feel yourself rushing to get things done and not really enjoying this time of year like you used to? To help you get a head start on your holiday plans and minimize your stress this season, I’m giving you an early present – my free ebook, “Your Holiday Survival Guide.” You can access it here: That's it - a short but sweet message for you today.  Relax, (when you can) stay present and enjoy the journey this season! Much love, Tanna Living Peacefully ™ is written by Tanna Marshall, Author, Holistic Consultant, Energy Healer and Personal Coach. If you have any questions or would like more information about Living Peacefully, please contact: